Setting up Scheduled Jobs

The FinancialForce Asperato Integration uses two scheduled jobs to complete the process of collecting and cash-matching payments. Both these jobs must be created and run by a dedicated user with an Accounting license, Administrator permissions, and access to all companies and all companies selected.

You must log in as the dedicated user to perform the steps described below, and log out when you have completed them.

Deleting the Asperato Repeat Payment Apex Job

To delete the job:

  1. From Setup, click Environments | Jobs | Scheduled Jobs.
  2. Delete the "Asperato Repeat Payment" job.

Scheduling the Asperato Repeat Payment Apex Job

To schedule the job:

  1. From Setup, click Develop | Apex Classes.
  2. Click Schedule Apex and configure the following settings:
    1. Enter the name Asperato Repeat Payment for your scheduled job.
    2. Enter the name BatchProcessPaymentSchedules for your Apex Class.
    3. Set the frequency of the job to "Weekly".
    4. Select days Sunday-Saturday.
    5. Set the date to today’s date.
    6. Set the start date to today's date.
    7. Set the end date, for example, 31/12/2050.
    8. Set the Preferred Start Time, for example, 04:00 or 05:00.
  3. Click Save.

Creating the Payment Processing Apex Job

  1. From Setup, click Develop | Apex Classes. If you are using Lightning Experience: From Setup, click Custom Code | Apex Classes.
  2. Click Schedule Apex and configure the following settings:
    1. Enter a name for your scheduled job.
    2. Enter the name FFASPPaymentScheduler for your Apex Class.
    3. Set the frequency of the job.
    4. Select the days of the week on which the job recurs.
    5. Set the start date for the job.
    6. [Optional] Set an end date for the job.
    7. Set the preferred start time for the job.
  3. Click Save.